Sunday, March 13, 2005

Jonathan had another good day for the most part. Kristi and I both went to church today to give a testimony about Jonathan and his progress. This left Jonathan at the hospital with a friend for about 2 hours. During his waking hours, one of us is usually there. Well today we were not and I think Jonathan took it pretty hard. Although he was kept busy during that time, he continually asked for mom and dad. Dad returned first and his face just lit up when he came into the room, which gave dad a very proud moment. After that we had a quiet day. He is so interactive and talks a lot. He continues to smile, especially when thinking and talking about food. He loves to eat. He still asks about going home but seems okay when we answer him with a not yet. He is also trying to get out of bed some. He wants to move his legs to the edge of the bed and he sits up by himself. He can turn over and position himself some on his own but still needs assistance for any big move. Our hearts are over-flowing with gratitude to God for what He is doing in our family and for the many faithful prayer warriors that intercede for us.
This week will be one of many new things and new miracles. Please pray for Jonathan as he continues through the stages of rehab. This week he will participate in what they call "Snack Attack". He along with 2 other boys will meet and make pudding, sugar free of course, and then eat it. This is the first stage of him participating in group activities and will hopefully lead to going on outings with the Childlife group soon. Pray that he can participate and not get agitated or tired. This is about a 1 hour process and will happen on Wednesday after about 2 pm. Pray that Jonathan will continue to grow stronger and that he will be able to walk soon. Also, pray for strength as we wait on the Lord to complete His work in Jonathan. Another area that we are going to work on this week is going to the bathroom. Right now he is wearing "hospital pants" and we are going to work to get back to regular big boy undies. Thank you for your faithful intercession on our behalf.

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