Today, December 30, 2014, it's been 10 years. Can you believe it? 10 years since our lives came to a screeching halt and our Heavenly Father reached down and set us on a new journey of faith - one in which we would know Him in a much more intimate and personal way because of the work He was about to do in our family. From that day on, we have witnessed God at work in our lives and He continues that work even to this day. That definitely doesn't mean that everything has turned out perfectly through these 10 years, but we are confident that He causes EVERYTHING- the good and the bad - to work together for our good. And for that promise, we give thanks on this day.
It's been 4 years since I posted here and as you can imagine, so much has happened during that time. Jonathan began high school in 2010 and very steadily and diligently worked his way through each year. In 2011, Jonathan went on his first Chapel Choir tour to Baltimore, MD. He sang in the choir this year and did a pretty good job of managing a busy week of early mornings, late nights, and being on his feel a lot. Choir tours are always important and very impactful events in our lives and we are so grateful for the opportunity to go on everyone one.
This same year, we had the blessing of graduating Sarah. That was two down and one to go! It was a beautiful day of celebrating her and and this huge accomplishment in her life. As we did with Elizabeth in 2010, we celebrated this special event with another cruise - our favorite way to celebrate special times in our family! This cruise too us to Routan, Honduras, Belize, and Cozumel on the brand new Carnival Magic. As always, we had a wonderful time together as a family on this trip going to the beach, cave tubing, shopping, and relaxing on the ship. As you can imagine, once this trip was over, Jonathan began to count down the days until the cruise we would take for his graduation!
In 2013, we traveled with the choir to San Francisco, CA for another tour. This tour was led by a group called NEXT Worldwide. The men who went with us are great spiritual leaders who have made a significant impact and investment in my children's lives through the years. It was great to be led by them again on this trip and to have the opportunity connect with them on a personal level as well. Jonathan has a great love for these men and they continue to be a great source of encouragement to him today. Jonathan had another great opportunity to play drums for the choir on this tour. He did an even better job this year than he did last year! You could definitely see growth and maturity in his playing, and the passion with which he played this year was significantly greater. I stand in awe of him each time I watch him play and thank God for this testimony of his grace and power in Jonathan's life. Again, Jonathan handled this week of music, ministry, and missions with such grace and we came away with another life changing week to thank God for.

Of the four years since I last posted, 2014 has been our greatest year yet - Jonathan's Senior year. It was exciting and scary all at the same time. This would be a year of change for all of us for sure. This would be the last opportunity to participate in student choir at church, which we did on spring break this year. Jonathan and I went to Seattle, WA where we did concerts, ministry work, and learned a great deal about this interesting city. This year, Jonathan did not get to play drums, but he sang with the choir and did it with such passion and love for the Savior he was singing about. It was a blessing to watch him and brought me to tears at every concert.
During the spring this year, we finally made a connection with the right people at the Division of Blind Services. After meeting with them, we went through a series of appointments with neuropsychologist, eye doctors, and technologists to help us determine where Jonathan was and what his visual needs were. This information helped us determine the best course of action for Jonathan once he was finished with high school. Through the Division of Blind Services, we were able to get several pieces of technology to help Jonathan with his vision. He's used them many times since then and we are grateful for the gift of these things as they are very expensive and we would never have been able to acquire them on our own.
In May of this year, the long awaited graduation celebration cruise finally arrived! We headed out again on the Carnival Magic to Key West, Freeport, and Nassau, Bahamas. We had an awesome week doing lots of great things together and making some wonderful memories as a family. We were actually on the ship on Jonathan's birthday which was super cool for him.

Once we returned home, we got to celebrate with family and friends at Jonathan's high school graduation. It was a wonderful day honoring Jonathan and thanking God for his love, mercy, and faithfulness in getting us to this special occasion.
Over the summer, Jonathan worked with me at the home school resource store that I work at part time. I taught him how to inventory the books that we sell in the store. He did this all summer long without pay. He was a huge asset to me at the store, but the time he spent doing this proved to be a huge asset to him in his first job that he started in October. He is working part time for an online company, doing much of the same type of inventory work he had done for us over the summer. He is pretty proud of his job and has done well so far. We are thankful for God's continued faithfulness to him. Jonathan ultimately feels called to work in pastoral care ministry and will eventually take courses to pursue that, but that will come later on. We are taking one small step at a time as we navigate this new chapter of his life.
Each of these past 10 years, we have spent December 30 together as a family and with those we love the most. It's one of the most important lessons we learned from this is precious. Cherish every moment with those you love. This December 30 was no different. We spent this day making more memories that we will treasure forever. There are no words to express how much our families mean to us - how important they were to us then and how much more important they are to us now.
As I think back to those dark days 10 years ago, and then read through this post, I see how truly blessed we are to have been chosen to know God through all that we have experienced these 10 years. Believe me, there are still many difficulties and challenges left to face that will forever be tied to this event, but we stand firm on the truth that we were reminded of just last Sunday -
If God is for us, who can be against us? But in all things, we overwhelmingly conquer through Him who loved us. (Romans 8:28-31, 37)
May God bless each of you for your faithful love and support for our family through the years. Only God truly knows how much we love each of you and the eternal impact you have had in our lives. I hope that this post has given you the chance to remember with us where we were 10 years ago and to celebrate and praise God for where we are today. We are looking forward with great anticipation to all that God has in store for Jonathan and to watch His good, acceptable, and perfect will for him unfold in the years to come.