Sunday, March 20, 2005

As we begin another week of this journey of healing, we are praising God for the miracles He performed this past week and facing the challenges which lay ahead of us with prayer and belief in the God who holds our future. Each day we continue to see strength his Jonathan's speech, in the use of his left hand and in both of his legs. Today Jonathan went to the playroom and made a frog puppet which he gave to his Grandpa Smith later this evening for his birthday. He went in by himself and worked for about 20 minutes while I talked with someone outside the room. When I came in, he had finished his puppet and was happy to stay and just watch what was going on. We spent time with our extended family as we celebrated Grandpa's birthday and Jonathan enjoyed the time with everyone and handled it all very well. He is sitting on the potty each time he is asked and doing it with a great attitude and no complaining. He still has not reached the point at which he can say he needs to go before he goes, so we are still relying heavily on the "hospital pants."
Although there are many things we could ask you to pray for this week, we are asking for your fervent prayers for one specific thing this week. Pray for Jonathan during his therapy times: PT - 9:30, OT - 10:30, Neuropsycology - 11:30, Speech - 1:00. He will also have group activities between 2:00-3:00 that he will go to by himself. Pray that he will be able to handle each of these therapies without agitation and crying. Pray that the light of understanding his situation will break forth in his little mind and that he will understand how important it is to try hard and work during his therapy times. Pray that he will not be discouraged about not getting to go home, but that he will be determined to do his best until that happens. It is God who will cause Jonathan to walk again. Pray that we will remember that and allow Him to do that when He desires. Pray that we will have wisdom to know what to say to Jonathan, how to respond to him and what to do for him. We know that God will cause all of this to work together for our good, in His time. Our God is the God who heals and restores. Pray that this healing will come quickly and that we will accept the grace that He offers us each day to wait upon Him. We covet all your prayers.

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